HERITAGE IS MULTIDICIPLINES From the beginning, I realize that Indonesia needs to build its institutional infrastructure to empower the development of the heritage sector. It is about saving the identity of the nation that covers a relatively wide range of fields and angles. In theory, an action to cherish a kind of heritage involves many kinds of expertise. In practice, the action is often approached narrowly only by a kind of expertise. Coordination and collaboration seldom happen in the academic or non-academic sectors. The establishment of two museums about the plantation history called Museum Perkebunan Indonesia, or MUSPERIN, in 2016, might be an appropriate case study to prove that a heritage project needs a multidiscipline approach. The museums are located in Medan, the city that grew due to the development of the plantation industry in the 20th century during the colonial era. The case study of MUSPERIN shows how important to blend all kinds of expertise. 1. ...