Reviving the Deli Planters!

Industrial Heritage of Indonesia Series #1 Reviving the Deli Planters! Indonesian Plantation Museum ( Museum Perkebunan Indonesia -Musperin) An exemplary public-private partnership in heritage conservation of Indonesia. Two plantation museums in 5 years period is a relatively huge achievement for the industrial heritage of Indonesia. This is only possible with the ideal combination of financial support of the plantation state company, in this case, PTPN II, museum professional executive the board led by Sri Hartini, and active involvement of community organizations like Sumatra Heritage Trust. Soedjai Kartasasmita, the leading figure of plantation industry of Indonesia has taken an initiative to establish a museum to convey history of plantation of the country to the young generation. He was and is still supported by the energetic museum director, Sri Hartini, to fulfill the dream. The museum was formally opened on 10 December 2016 at a complex of historical buildings i...