
Showing posts from 2025


Koto Gadang in West Sumatra Province is the birthplace and home village of some prominent national leaders of Indonesia. Some were involved in the country's independence struggle, and some are still active in the national arena in various fields. It is famous as a village producing many intellectuals because education is the core of awareness of most parents in Koto Gadang. Parents in other villages will ask their children to go to the rice fields, but the parents in Koto Gadang will encourage their children to go to school. Study as high as possible. At the beginning of the 20th century, this village had even a kind of collective fund to finance studies of the children to Java or even to the Netherlands. In 1967 there was a survey that showed that almost 20% of the population of Koto Gadang, around 3000 people, graduated from universities.  Geographically, Koto Gadang is a village between Singgalang Mountain and a canyon called Ngarai Sianok. Its distance from the capital of West ...

Simposium Meninjau Kembali Warisan Industri Indonesia 16 Nopember 2024

Pada hari Sabtu, 16 Nopember 2024 diadakan simposium berjudul  Meninjau Kembali Warisan Industri Indonesia bertempat di  Pabrik Semen Indarung I, Padang, Sumatra Barat. Tujuan dari simposium ini adalah: ·         Mempromosikan potensi warisan industri Indonesia; ·         Memperingati ditetapkannya dua jenis arsip warisan industri Indonesia (gula dan semen) dalam Daftar “2024 Memory of the World Regional Register of UNESCO Asia Pacific”; ·         Berbagi pelajaran dan pengalaman dari berbagai usaha pelestarian warisan industri di Indonesia; ·         Merintis institusionalisasi warisan industri Indonesia secara nasional. Penyelenggara simposium adalah kolaborasi   PT Semen Padang,  Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) Sumatra Barat,  Universitas Bung Hatta,  Padang Heritage Society,  Pan-Sumatra Network f...