
Showing posts from July, 2009


Many people in Holland has a habit on Sunday afternoon. They take a walk and then go to a pannekoek or poffertjes houses. Both of them are traditional Dutch snacks made from flour, egg, milk and a bit of salt. You can eat them with almost anything as many fantasies as you have, or simply with sugar powder. Last Sunday I skipped the walk part, just went directly to the poffertjes place in Laren . This is famous place in the area because they exist since 1837. They have only two kind of things on the menu : poffertjes (natural, with rhum, with ginger) and wafel. Many families come here and everytime I was there it was always busy. The waiters never write your order, they shout to the cooking and the drink counters. Usually in less than 10 minutes, your orders are already on the table. Smoke of the poffertjes fill up the tent. Group of people comes and goes. Besides the taste of the poffertjes and the crunchy wafels, probably the atmosphere that makes this business survive for more...


I like Vinkeveen because it is surrounded by water : lakes and canals. Everywhere you go you see water. Not only water but beautiful water surroundings. This week they organize the summer party for community which basically a traditional market and a party fo children. What amazed me is that the local government works hard to market Vinkeveen during the summer. They publish a brochure which everyone can find something interesting to do almost everyday. Mostly related to water activities. To see how Vinkeveen is a relatively small village, these marketing efforts should be appreciated. Probably something common in Holland, but not in Indonesia. The main idea is that every place no matter small it is has something to offer. Traditional snack : poffertjes Another traditional snack : Olliebolen (usually for the New Year Eve party, not summer, but who cares?) In most programs for children in Holland, face painting is popular. ...and this an example of multicultural society, a Dutch girl go...


People in Vinkeveen, Province of Utrecht, knew how to enjoy the sunny day. They gave everyone 24 hours to create their own boats on Saturday, 4 July, and the next day they had to prove that their boats were not only beautiful but also strong enough for eight people. People, with bikinis, with shorts and anything in between, tried to cheer the participants. Or they sail themselves.


An area called "de Betuwe" in Holland is famous of their fruits. Many farmers open their farms for public, including the one that we visited last Saturday, 4 July. It was a perfect program for the whole family members : close to nature, educative, delicious food, cozy atmosphere and gorgeous sunny day. You may harvest the strawberry and raspberry as much as you want. All about cheeries! Children can learn to make apple juice in a traditional way. Or learning how bees produce their honey. And not all about learning, but also fun!


Di Belanda, "Babboe" atau Babu bukan istilah kasar dan tabu. Para orangtua yang mempunyai anak lebih dari satu dengan bangga menggunakan istilah babu untuk sepeda mereka. Sepeda model lain yang juga cukup untuk membawa lebih dari satu anak, tapi yang ini namanya "Bakfiets"


Dimuat di Warta Kota, 1 Juli 2009 Jakarta berulang tahun jadi layak mendapat kado. Kadonya adalah informasi bagaimana agar Jakarta mempunyai ”paru-paru” yang memadai dan sehat. Jika ”paru-paru” Jakarta sehat maka akan sehat pula penduduk Jakarta. ”Paru-paru” Jakarta adalah kawasan hijau yang menurut Undang-undang no. 26 tahun 2007 minimal 13,9 persen dari luas kota. Persentase itu sudah jauh menurun dari peraturan yang berlaku pada tahun 1960-an yang mensyaratkan sekitar 27 persen lahan haruslah kawasan hijau. Untuk mewujudkan kewajiban menciptakan kawasan hijau yang wajib tersebut Pemerintah DKI harus bekerja keras dan menghadapi banyak kendala. Pertama dari segi fungsi penghijauan untuk menahan air, akar pohon tidak bekerja maksimal karena lahan di Jakarta penuh dengan beton. Selain tidak mampu menahan air, pohon-pohon di Jakarta juga tidak maksimal berfungsi sebagai peredam suara dan penurun temperatur. Kedua, untuk mencapai kuota luas kawasan hijau, Pemerintah DKI harus membebaskan...