
Showing posts from January, 2023

Exhibition Nijkerk and the Dutch East Indies

Exhibition Nijkerk and the Dutch East Indies The exhibition 'Nijkerk and the Dutch East Indies' can be seen in Museum Nijkerk until March 2023.  For the first time, the story is told of a small town's ties to the world's fourth-largest country by population.  In the exhibition 'Nijkerk and the Dutch East Indies', visitors walk through the history of the Indonesian archipelago and stop at those events that are related to the city of Nijkerk. There appear to be many Nijkerkers who have worked in the Indies, from plantation owners and lawyers to teachers and soldiers and their families. It has been an honor for me to be guided by the Curator, Saskia van den Berg, to enjoy the exhibition and to listen to the stories behind it.  There is a strong tie between Nijkerk with plantations in the East Coast of Sumatra, Padang, the Eijkman Institute (a Nobel prize winner), and many more.  I have had a small contribution by introducing Siedjah or Siebrigje Bremer, a Dutch sch...


Saya terlibat dalam penerbitan beberapa dokumen yang dianggap bermanfaat untuk gerakan pelestarian warisan budaya di Indonesia. Khusus untuk generasi muda yang belum lama bergabung dengan gerakan pelestarian, mungkin informasi ini bermanfaat. Semua link merujuk pada dokumen dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan bisa gratis diunduh.   (1999) Burra Charter by Australian ICOMOS (Prinsip dan prosedur dasar konservasi tempat bernilai budaya diterbitkan oleh ICOMOS Australia. Penerjemahan dilakukan bersama Ir. Rika Susanto dari Beranda Warisan Sumatra atas kerjasama dengan ICOMOS Australia).   (Sumber: Australian ICOMOS) (2009) Canon van Nederland (Lima puluh topik yang merupakan ringkasan sejarah Belanda secara berurutan, termasuk tentang sejarah Belanda di Indonesia, misalnya tentang VOC yang mengeksploitasi rempah-rempah dan Raja William I yang memberlakukan tanam paksa. Pe...