Quito in Ecuador holds a world heritage city status since 1978 and it is the oldest capital in South America. It has been exactly a long 40 years in 2018. In Centro Cultural Metropolitano the municipality holds an exhibition about QUITO 2040, a vision for the city in the future. It adopted Sustainable Development Goals one to eleven. It is generic but it gives direction and explanation to the locals where the city goes. The city does its best to maintain quality of life and its historic city centre but age doesn't lie. Run down and empty buildings look depressing. Traffic congestion pressures pedestrians. Waste management is rather poor. Public bikes are broken. Quito needs drastic policies to regain its glorious past. The Getty Conservation Institute has assisted Quito between 1991-1997. Work included a photogrammetric study of historic buildings; investigation of the color history of building facades; environmental monitoring; conservation advice; and an internatio...