The theme of Heritage Day 18 April this year is Rural Heritage. I couldn't agree more with this theme since I have seen myself how heritage can play an important role in rural economic social cultural development in Temanggung. Spedagi with its Pasar Papringan in Temanggung so far is the best practice that has been surviving indepedently without subsidies. Outsiders are simply taking roles as triggers but the main actors are local people. I think it is one of the few cases in Indonesia and in the world in general. 

Close to home is a suburb area along the Gein River where I often bike or walk. The farm Anna Haen is transformed into restaurant and accommodation facilities because the farm doesn't provide adequate income anymore. It also offers cooking workshops, boat trips and promotes local farm products.

I observed from the beginning several years ago when the restaurant only opened at weekends for breakfast and lunch. Now, they are open every single day until 20.00. When the sun shines, it packed up with bikers and families. 

Food in Anna Haen is guaranted local, healthy and delicious. That might be the reason why it becomes so popular. Organic, vegetarian and local are new ideology in Holland, especially for high educated middle upper class type. 

With a setting of the Gein River and cows on the meadow, the farm Anna Haen is the best postcard ever for everyone. I am one of them. I am happy to see this entrepreneur grows and succesfull, especially after I read a story about them in a national newspaper how difficult for them to survive as a farmer. This might be a fact of 21st Century that farms must switch into creative entrepreneurships. 

Spedagi and Anna Haen are vivid examples of rural heritage without use a single word of heritage in their businesses. That might not needed since action is more valuable than a term. 


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