Reflections from Archiving Colonial Archives: Past, Present, and Future

Heritage Webinar Series #7
Voices of Indonesia

Reflections from Archiving Colonial Archives: Past, Present, and Future

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

10.00-12.00 CET or 15.00 -17.00 WIB


Risma Manurung and Jajang Nurjaman

Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia


or joint directly with this information of Zoom Meeting

Organized by: Heritage hands-on, Indonesian Diaspora Network the Netherlands (IDN-NL), and IDN Liveable Cities (IDN-LC).

Contact: Hasti Tarekat (

 Nasional Arsip Republik Indonesia, ANRI, in Jakarta has inherited archives from the Dutch-Indies period. They become the source of information to understand the past, to see the link with the present, and to vision the future. How does ANRI manage the archives? What do they do to take a part in raising awareness about history? What are the challenges in archives management in the 21st century?

The two speakers from ANRI Jakarta will share with us their ups and downs and update us about the shared archives of Indonesia and the Netherlands.


Heritage Webinar Series

Voices of Indonesia

Third Wednesday of each month

Indonesia and the Netherlands share a history that is still alive today and cherished in both countries. It is important to build an understanding of the shared history that has many facets. To be able to achieve the understanding, regular communication through a webinar series will be helpful. 

Second, the webinar series is mainly to share voices from Indonesia to the Netherlands to update the general public and heritage professionals in the Netherlands about the latest development of shared heritage in Indonesia.


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