HUL Quick
Scan Workshop of the Historic Inner City of Pekojan, West Jakarta, 31 March-12
May 2021
In the midst of the COVID19 pandemic, we move on with the effort to improve the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) Quick Scan method by applying it to research the historic inner city of Pekojan, West Jakarta. Pekojan is famous as the Arabic Quarter in the capital of Indonesia, with mosques and traditions that still alive until now.
The participants are the master students of the Architecture Department of University of Indonesia (UI). Supported by mentors from Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Heritage hands-on, Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB), Trisakti University, and the UI.
The HUL Quick Scan Method was implemented earlier in Muntok, West Bangka, and Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan.
The HUL Quick Scan Method Handbook will be launched soon this year based on practices and learning processes in Indonesia and the Netherlands.